Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Developers are coming.....

The company responsible for the development application at 123/125 Church Road will be presenting their plans at Brent Valley Golf Club on the 12th December from 7 to 9pm.[Please note date change].

You haven't heard about this because the developers don't want you to attend! 
They will use the lack of attendance to strengthen their case that there is little local objection to the scheme. 

Your attendance at the above meeting with demonstrate the strength of feeling against this development and back land development schemes in general.

Please register your objection by attending the meeting, which is pitched at a mini-exhibition informing the local people. Complete the comment sheet documenting the key issues: high density development, backlands development in a conservation area . Also it Does not meet LBE criteria for distance between habitable rooms and will result in trees being lost(the tree survey states this albeit they are saplings) etc.

This may be your last chance to influence the outcome of this planning application, so please make it count!

Again strength in numbers is the key, so please encourage any one who has an interest in preserving this area of Hanwell and the approach to Bunny Park to attend this meeting.